AIMIL's Amree Plus
Qty –1 Pack of 60 Capsules
AMREE PLUS is a comprehensive oral anti-hyperglycemic for the management of Diabetes Mellitus.
It also helps delay triopathic complications associated with diabetes due to its Plus effects in toning the system. AMREE PLUS is a synergistic mix of active constituents from nature’s herbs that have been used all over the world from times immemorial.
The formulation is specifically designed to provide comprehensive benefits w.r.t. glucose metabolism, insulin production and utilization, lipids metabolism as well as to alleviate the symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, excessive thirst etc.
The processing of the ingredients of AMREE PLUS is done in a specific manner so as to retain their active thermolabile and proteinous components that are otherwise destroyed
Checks over fatigue, excessive thirst and urination
Helps regulates glucose and lipid metabolism.
Prevents triopathic complications and tones the function of kidney, eyes and nerves
Acts as cardio protective
Adjuvent in management of diabetes mellitus
In Mild Conditions: 1 Tablet twice a day, preferably 1/2 hr. before meals.
In Mild To Moderate : [already on Oral hypoglycaemics.(OHGs)]
1 Tablet thrice a day, preferably before meals along with prescribed allopathic OHG
Periodically lower the dosage of allopathic OHG based on individual response.
In Severity : [on insulin/OHG]
2 Tablets twice a day, preferably 1/2 hr. before meals along with prescribed OHG / Insulin. Periodically lower the dosage of OHG / insulin. With advice of physician/ based on individual response of cumulative therapy with AMREE PLUS tablets.
Step-1 Please recognises the symptoms of hypo- & hyperglycaemia.
Step-2 Initially continue Amree Plus therapy alongwith already recommended medications.
Step-3 Periodically assess blood glucose & corelate the results with the symptoms.
Step-4 On feeling the symptoms of hypoglycaemia, reduce the dosage of allopathic medications.
Step-5 Even on achieving the normoglycaemia, continue Amree Plus for rejuvenative & observe for benefits.
Amree Plus is not associated with side effects on short / long term in therapeutic recommended dosage. Still, if a patient suffers from any discomfort with intake of AMREE PLUS usage must be stopped and professional consultation should be taken.
Q. How herbal preparations can be useful to the patients of Diabetes Mellitus?
A Apart from maintaining blood sugar levels within normal limits, anti-diabetic herbal formulations provide various additional benefits also like nutritional supplementation, cardio protection, diabetic complication prevention, immuno-modulation and toning the physiology of the whole body.
Q. What is Amree Plus?
A Amree Plus is a comprehensive, polyherbal formulation having about 25 different ingredients in synergistic concentrations & combinations. Apart from providing safe anti-hyperglycaemic action, it exerts anti-oxidant, immuno-modulator and complication preventive actions for complete care of diabetics. It simultaneously provides nutritional supplements.
Q. What does PLUS signify in Amree Plus?
A PLUS in Amree Plus indicates the additional benefits of Amree Plus like system toning effect, nutrient supplementation, anti-ageing, cardio-protection, and kidney protective and other complication prevention.
Q. What is the concept of Anti-hyperglycaemia?
A This is the exclusivity of anti-diabetic herbs that they do not allow the patient to enter into hypoglycaemia, so is the concept of anti-hyperglycaemia.
Q. What is the mechanism of action of Amree Plus?
A Mechanism of action of Amree Plus:-
-Activates islets of pancreas
-Exerts insulin mimic effect
-Activates the liver
-acts as Nephro- protective, Anti-oxidant & Immuno- modulator.
Q. Is Amree Plus useful for both the types of Diabetes i.e. NIDDM & IDDM?
A Amree Plus is recommended for maturity onset of Diabetes (type 2), however it may be of some use in type 1 in terms of delaying glucose absorption and additional benefits like immuno-modulatory, anti-oxidant, nutritional supplementation and other complication prevention.
Q. Does Amree Plus provide micro-nutrients essential for Diabetic patients?
A Yes, Amree Plus provides various micro-nutrients from the source like Bilvpatr, Neempatr & Vijaysaar Ghansatva. These micro-nutrients are very essential for Diabetic patients to prevent the disorders of eyes, kidneys, nerves, blood vessels & heart.
Q. How much time is required for the onset of action of Amree Plus?
A 30 minutes to 1hr. is the time required for the onset of action of Amree Plus.
Q. Does Amree Plus cure Diabetes?
A No, Amree Plus does not cure Diabetes rather it only ensures the effective control of blood glucose and other complication, thus Amree Plus takes care of the diabetics completely. So far, there is no medicine available which can cure Diabetes.
Q. Does Amree Plus exert insulin like action?
A Yes, Amree Plus exerts insulin mimic effect due to the presence of insulin like molecules from Karela seeds, Kundru and Vijaysaar resembling insulin in their ability to stimulate : storage of glucose in the form of glycogen and fats & inhibit break down of glycogen and fats to glucose
Q. Does Amree Plus result in regeneration of insulin producing cells of Pancreas (i.e. β-islets of Langerhans)?
A Yes, Vijaysaar and Gudmar in Amree Plus are reported to regenerate partially damaged cells up to some extent, as reported by Journal of Ethno pharmacology & Life Sciences journal (USA).
Q. Are these regenerated β-cells of islets of Langerhans of Pancreas functional in nature?
A As per the immuno-reactive insulin studies, these regenerated β-cells have been reported to be functional i.e. insulin producing.
Q. Does Amree Plus help to prevent further deterioration of β-islets due to various factors?
A Yes, Amree Plus, due to its anti-oxidant action prevent further deterioration of cells, which may take place due to various factors.
Q. Does Amree Plus affect the levels of insulin?
A Amree Plus definitely affects the level of insulin. That is why Amree Plus helps to maintain blood glucose levels. In Maturity onset diabetics, Amree Plus increases the sensitivity & in turn utilization of insulin.
Q. How does Amree Plus influence glucose tolerance curve?
A Gudmar in Amree Plus is responsible for improving Glucose tolerance in diabetic subjects, thus resulting in near normal Glucose tolerance curve.
Q. What is role of Amree Plus on liver?
A Amree Plus decreases the release of glucose into the blood from glycogen, fats and proteins and simultaneously enhances the formation of glycogen and fats from glucose in the blood. This helps to maintain the plasma level of glucose. Herbs present in Amree Plus and acting on liver protect the liver from toxicities of allopathic drugs.
Q. Does Amree Plus provide natural Bioflavonoids useful for Diabetic patients?
A Yes, Amree Plus provides Natural Bioflavonoids like Quercetin and catechin which are essential for diabetic patients particularly as complication prevention.
Q. Does Amree Plus help in relieving the clinical symptoms of Diabetes like polyphagia, polydypsia, polyuria?
A Yes, Amree Plus relieves clinical symptoms of diabetes by maintaining blood sugar level within normal limits.
Q. Does Amree Plus lower blood glucose level in subjects having normal glycaemic conditions?
A No, Amree Plus does not lower blood glucose level in subjects having normal glycaemic conditions. Hence, is free from the risk of hypoglycemia.
Q. Does Amree Plus delay the absorption of glucose from GIT to the advantage of Diabetic Patients?
A Yes, due to the presence of Methi seeds, Gudmar & Neem, Amree Plus delays the absorption of glucose from G.I.T., thus helps maintain blood sugar level with in normal limits. Moreover, prevents sudden shoot up of glucose level after meals.
Q. Have there been any clinical studies with Amree Plus?
A Yes, Amree Plus has been clinically studied at various prestigious medical institutions e.g. AIIMS (New Delhi), A&U Tibbia Medical College & Hospital Delhi University, Endocrinology Lab (Dr, G.P. Sharma) Safdarjung Enclave Delhi, Aggarwal Hospital (Delhi).
Q. What are the findings of various studies with Amree Plus?
A Finding of clinical studies:-
Controlled clinical trials in the dosage of 2-3 gm per dose established onset & duration of effects. The treatment with Amree Plus provided symptomatic relief particularly helping them with feeling of well being, checking the further degeneration and increasing sensitivity towards insulin, thus preventing progression towards severity.
Q. How Amree Plus is effective in preventing “Diabetic foot”?
A Amree Plus is enriched with natural bio-flavonoids from Bilvpatra, Neempatra, and Vijaysaar & Tejpatra thereby preventing neuropathy changes in the feet and improve blood flow into the large & small vessels in the feet. This is how Amree Plus prevents the occurrence of “Diabetic foot”.
Q. What are the dosages of Amree Plus for Diabetic patients of varying severity?
A Dosage of Amree Plus depends on Blood sugar level:-
-Blood Sugar level between 140-200 mg % (Mild):-1/3-1/2 tsf (2-3gm) twice or thrice a day before meals
-Blood Sugar level between 200-300 mg %( Moderate):-1/2 tsf (3gm) twice or thrice a day before meals initially along with recommended Allopathic medicine if any. Blood Sugar more than 300 mg %:-1/2 tsf–1 tsf (3-5 gm) twice or thrice a day preferably ½ hr before meals along with recommended allopathic medicine or insulin.
-Patient should follow recommended diet & exercise schedule regularly.
Q. How do you recommend the intake of Amree Plus?
A Amree Plus should be taken in recommended dosage about ½ hr before meals with water initially along with the recommended allopathic drugs & maintaining advised diet & exercise schedule.
Q. Why Amree Plus should be taken before meals?
A Amree Plus should be taken before meal for the following reasons:
The onset of action of Amree Plus is within 30 minutes as observed in controlled clinical trials. This helps to have a simultaneous concentration of the drug in blood along with the blood glucose.
The SDF fraction of Methi seeds, decrease the absorption of glucose from the small intestine so that the glucose level in the blood does not shoot up suddenly.
Q. Can Amree Plus be used along with modern oral-hypoglycaemic drugs or insulin?
A Yes, Amree Plus is compatible with modern OHG(s) & insulin.
Q. Is Amree Plus practically used in conjunction with modern Anti-Diabetic Medicines?
A Yes, Amree Plus is practically used in conjunction with modern anti-diabetic medicines to have better glycaemic control and quality of life in terms of various symptoms of diabetes. The clinical trials prove that adjuvant therapy with Amree Plus show better results than OHGs alone.
Q. Does Amree Plus reduce the dependence on modern Anti-Diabetic Medicines?
A Yes, Amree Plus reduces dependence on Modern Anti-Diabetic Medicines.
Q. Does Amree Plus reduce the dependence on insulin?
A Yes, Amree Plus reduces dependence on insulin, due to insulin-mimic & insulin sensitizing effect.
Q. Can Amree Plus substitute insulin?
A No. Amree Plus cannot substitute insulin but it can reduce dependence on insulin by stabilizing or by reducing the dosage of insulin.
Q. How much time does Amree Plus take to reduce the existing dosage of modern Anti-Diabetic Medications?
A After starting the Amree Plus dosage, physician can reduce the doses of Modern Anti-diabetic drugs after 7 to 10 days of simultaneous therapy. However, it may vary from patient to patient.
Q. How does Amree Plus compare with modern Anti-Diabetic Drugs?
A Amree Plus provides comprehensive management of Diabetes mellitus i.e. taking care of all aspects of the disease while modern medicines are confined mainly to lower the blood sugar levels. Amree Plus not only provides nutritional supplementation, Hepato-protection and correction but also provides immuno-modulation and is exclusively free from the risk of hypoglycemia unlike many available modern drugs.
Q. How long Amree Plus therapy should be continued?
A Amree Plus should be continued for life long as diabetes can only be managed but dosage of Amree Plus can be minimized in maintenance therapy.
Q. How long does it take for the patients to respond to Amree Plus therapy?
A Response in terms of lowering of blood sugar levels may start with the first dose itself although the response may vary from patient to patient. Patient will feel better quality of life with in 7 to 10 days.
Q. Since the diabetic patients remain at risk or they develop cardiac complications, is Amree Plus useful as cardio protective?
A Yes, Amree Plus is very useful as a cardio protective due to its cholesterol lowering & anti-atherosclerotic activities particularly in diabetic subjects as they are more prone to have cardiac illnesses.
Q. Is Amree Plus useful in preventing Diabetic Retinopathy?
A Yes, Amree Plus can delay the onset of diabetic retinopathy due to the presence of Karela & other herbs providing bioflavonoids. It also supplements essential micronutrients from Methi seeds, Jamun & Neem Patr, which are essential to prevent the development of cataract and other disorders of eye.
Q. Is Amree Plus useful in preventing Diabetic Nephropathy?
A Yes, Amree Plus can delay the onset of diabetic nephropathy due to the presence of Punenava & other herbs providing bioflavonoids, which prevent the leakage of proteins into urine.
Q. Is Amree plus useful in preventing Diabetic Neuropathy?
A Yes, Amree Plus can delay the onset of diabetic neuropathy due to the herbs like Bilv, Neem, Vijaysaar, Tejpatr providing bioflavonoids. Amree Plus supplements essential micronutrients from its different ingredients which help prevent pathological changes in nerve.
Q. Is Amree Plus useful in patients developing résistance to insulin?
A Yes, Amree Plus increases sensitivity towards insulin & reduces insulin resistance thus decreasing dependence on insulin.
Q. How Amree Plus has been found to favorably influence glycosylated Hb level?
A Amree Plus has been found reducing glycosylated Hb level by maintaining blood sugar level within normal limits for longer durations.
Q. How does Amree Plus develop the better feeling in Diabetic patients?
A Amree Plus develops the better feeling in Diabetic patients by improving the quality of life in Diabetic subjects in terms of blood sugar level and other symptoms.
Q. How does Amree Plus improve the quality of life?
A Amree Plus improves quality of life in Diabetic subjects by reducing level of glycosylated Hb & maintaining blood sugar level within normal limits and reducing the symptoms of diabetes like polyuria, polyphagia, polydypsia, fatigue etc.
Q. Can Amree Plus delay the onset of Diabetes in the group of patients susceptible to develop Diabetes?
A Yes, Amree Plus help delay the onset of diabetes in the diabetes susceptible group of patients due to its anti-oxidant action, which help prevent the damage to the β-islets of pancreas, liver stimulant action for better utilization of glucose and reducing the insulin resistance. Amree Plus by its micro-nutrients from Karela, Methi & Jamun regulate the action and production of insulin which is disturbed in diabetics.
Q. Is Amree Plus useful in patients who already have Diabetic complications like Neuropathy, Nephropathy & Retinopathy?
A Amree Plus can delay the further deterioration of the already established complications like Neuropathy, Nephropathy, and Retinopathy.
Q. What are the benefits of Amree Plus in Diabetic impotency?
A Karela, Bilva, Neem in Amree Plus exert vascular protective action, there by improve blood flow in the genitals and thus improves libido. Also, it helps restore the serum testosterone level and other herbs like Amla, Giloe provide essential nutrients.
Q. Can Amree Plus be withdrawn after good control of Diabetes?
A No, Amree Plus should not be withdrawn even at good control of Diabetes. Yes, one can reduce the dosage of Amree Plus in maintenance therapy
Q. How much is the decline in blood sugar level with Amree Plus?
A Response with Amree Plus in term of blood sugar level will vary from patient to patient depending upon diet & exercise schedule. Anyhow an average fall of 30-50mg% blood sugar levels is usually noticed.
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