AIMIL NEERI Tablets for Dissolving Urinary Stones & Urinary Tract Infections

NEERI is a perfect polyherbal regime, developed and formulated on the scientific concept, which exerts overall therapeutic activity with safety in various types of urinary disorders like urinary calculi (kidney stone), urinary tract infections and prostate associated disorders.

Item Code: AINE90
Product Expiry: Mar 2028 or later
Aimil Neeri 90 Tablets (3 Strips* 30 Tablets)
$ 14.25
Lot of 3 X 90 tablets Aimil Neeri
$ 36.00
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Neeri Ayurvedic Tablets For effective and Safe Management of Burning Micturition, Urinary Tract Infections, Poor Renal Functions, Crystalluria

Qty –1 Pack of 90 tablets (15 days supply)

It is recommended for 2-3 months or till the Stone is dissolved.


NEERI is a perfect polyherbal regime, developed and formulated on the scientific concept, which exerts overall therapeutic activity with safety in various types of urinary disorders like urinary calculi (kidney stone), urinary tract infections and prostate associated disorders. It is an experimented, documented and clinically proven herbal regime to treat both the causes and effects in urinary disorders. NEERI contains herbal extracts that have been scientifically validated all over the world for their safety and effectiveness. These extracts are the enriched sources of several phyto-constituents like arbutin, quinolone derivatives, bioflavonoids, glucosides, tannins and several micronutrients that help tone the functioning of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and prostate gland.

  • Urinary calculi (Stone)
  • Recurrent calculi (Stone)
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Cystitis (Inflammation of the urinary bladder due to infection)
  • Burning micturition (Burning sensation while passing urine)
  • Prostate enlargement associated symptoms like dribbling urination, interrupted stream of urin


  • Helps in spontaneous passage of calculi, it exhibits marked anti- calcifying activity.
  • Relieves the binding mucin of calculi, thus effective as lithotriptic.
  • Reveals marked improvement in symptoms of Urinary calculi and UTI's (Urinary Tract Infections) like pain, burning micturition & haematuria.
  • Regulates the crystalloid colloid imbalance, thus prevents recurrence of urinary calculi.
  • Exerts significant anti-infective action in UTI's against the major causative organisms.
  • Effectively and safely prevents recurrence of UTI's in susceptible patients.
  • Helps provide relief in symptoms of prostate enlargement like dribbling urination,
  • interrupted stream of urine.


  • In NEERI there is no risk of electrolyte imbalance.
  • It prevents from reoccurrence of urinary disorders.
  • It protects the kidney from nephrotoxic agents.
  • Neeri is safe on long term usage.
  • Helps in spontaneous passage of calculi
  • Regulates the crystalloid colloid imbalance
  • Eradicates the causative organisms causing UTI
  • Provides symptomatic relief by acting as alkalizer , anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory.
  • Helps maintain the kidney functions
  • Additionally acts as Nephro- protective, Anti-oxidant & Immuno- modulator
  • Neeri provides symptomatic relief in Benign Prostatic Enlargement but does not reduce the size of prostate significantly.

Composition - each coated tablet contains:

Pashanbhed 60mg
Palash Pushap 50mg
Swait Parpati  25mg
Appamarg Panchang 20mg
Varun Ext. 20mg
Sudh Shilajit 15mg
Punernava 50mg
Hajrul Yahood Bhasm ) 45mg
Sahdevi 20mg
Gokharu 20mg
Lajaloo Mool 15mg
Yavakshar  10mg
*Excepients Q.S.  (Please see below)
Processed in the decoction of Pashanbhed, Lajaloo Mool, Gogkhru, Kulathi, Maddarmool & Appamarg
Colour Sunset Yellow
Preservatives: Sodium Methyl Paraben and Sodium Propyl Paraben
*Excepients: Aerosil, Talcum I.P.A., Shellac, Calcium Carbonate, Gelatin (animal origin), Gum acacia, Sugar modvat, Starch, Carnuba wax, Bee’s wax
DOSAGES (Please also refer FAQ No. 16 for duration of treatement)

Adults (Men & Women) : 2-3 tablets thrice a day
Children (5-12 Years): 1-2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the physician.   
Patients with mild / chronic infections and / or antibiotic resistance may show significant response with Neeri as the antibiotic course cannot be recommended for longer durations whereas Neeri is an effective and safe therapy even when used over a prolonged period of time and many of its herbal constituents have proved to be effective even in the resistant cases.
Neeri is not associated with side effects on short / long term in therapeutic recommended dosage. Still, if a patient suffers from any discomfort with intake of NEERI usage must be stopped and professional consultation be taken.

1. How herbal preparations can be useful to the patients of Urinary Disorders?

A dependable answer exists with the ancient effective and safe medicine system, which helps to flush out the calculi of moderate size, acts as anti-microbial for the chronic non-responding cases of UTI’s and further helps to prevent the recurrence of urinary disorders.
2. What is Neeri?

Neeri is a comprehensive, polyherbal formulation having about 18 different ingredients in synergistic concentrations & combinations. It acts in such a way so as to clear both, urinary tract calculi and urinary tract infections. Apart from flushing the urinary calculi of moderate size and eradicating the urinary infections, it prevents their recurrence, which is the major problem faced by the practitioner as well as the patient. It simultaneously tones the urinary system, thus helps maintain the vital functions of the kidneys.
3. What is the mechanism of Neeri ?

Mechanism of Neeri:-
- Helps in spontaneous passage of calculi
- Regulates the crystalloid colloid imbalance.
- Eradicates the causative organisms causing UTI.
- Provides symptomatic relief by acting as alkalizer, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory.
- Helps maintain the kidney functions.
- Additionally acts as Nephro- protective, Anti-oxidant & Immuno- modulator.
4. In what conditions is Neeri useful ?

Neeri proves useful in the following conditions:-
- Urinary calculi (Stone)
- Recurrent calculi (Stone)
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Cystitis (Inflammation of the urinary bladder due to infection)
- Burning micturition (Burning sensation while passing urine)
- Prostate enlargement associated symptoms like dribbling urination, interrupted stream of urine.
- Or people prone to / susceptible to develop urinary calculi or urinary infections like hot climate, long-
term confinement to bed, use of steroids, catheterization etc.
5. How does Neeri prove effective in Urinary Calculi?

Neeri shows remarkable effects in urinary calculi due to its natural herbs that help in the spontaneous passage of calculi by fragmentation, restoring the crystalloid-colloid balance, relieving the binding mucin between the crystals and exerting diuretic effect i.e. by increasing the flow of urine so that the crystals are washed off along with the urine.

6. Does Neeri provide relief from the symptoms of urinary calculi?

Yes, Neeri provides relief from the symptoms of Urinary Calculi as is evident from the clinical studies. Chief complaints like excruciating pain, Dysuria (Pain on passing urine), Haematuria (Blood in the urine) are markedly relieved / reduced with Neeri treatment.
7. What type of diet is good for a patient of calculi?

A patient of calculi should take coconut water, cornsilk tea, barley, pineapple juice, bananas, almonds, lemons, carrots. These exert diuretic action and some of them act as stone inhibitors. Coconut water stimulates demineralization of already performed mineral phase.
8. How does Neeri help to prevent the recurrence of calculi?

Neeri by virtue of its biomolecules help to prevent the calcification of crystals that lead to the formation of calculi and exerts diuretic effect, which helps to flush out the crystals. Its molecules act as potent inhibitors of initial mineral phase formation. Neeri also regularizes cystalloid-colloid imbalance to prevent the recurrence of renal calculi.
9. How is Neeri effective in UTI’s?

Various phytoconstituents present in Neeri exert anti-microbial action against a variety of microbes responsible for causing Urinary Tract Infections and also provides relief in the symptoms like Dysuria, burning micturition, dribbling, suppression of urine etc.
10. Can anti-microbial drugs be taken along with Neeri therapy?

Yes, anti-microbial drugs can be safely taken along with Neeri as it provides better results and there is no interaction between the two rather the response of certain antibiotics improve when administered along with Neeri.
11. Is Neeri effective in Burning Micturition?

Yes, Neeri is effective in cases of Burning Micturition (Burning sensation while passing urine).
12. Is it necessary to take any alkalizer with Neeri to provide relief in burning micturition?

No, it is not necessary to take any alkalinizers with Neeri,as it is alone sufficient to relieve burning micturition
13. Has Neeri been found to be effective in Benign Prostatic Enlargement?

Yes, Neeri has been found to be effective in Benign Prostatic Enlargement and provides symptomatic relief.

14. Does Neeri reduce the size of prostate in Benign Prostatic Enlargement?
Neeri provides symptomatic relief in Benign Prostatic Enlargement but does not reduce the size of prostate significantly.

15. Does Neeri help in restoring the vital kidney functions?

Yes, Neeri is helpful in restoring the vital kidney functions like blood urea, serum creatinine etc.
16. What is the dosage schedule of Neeri?

Tablets:     2 tablets thrice a day for 2-3 months or till the stone is passed out.
                 1 tablet thrice a day for children
17. Do all patients of urinary disorders respond well to Neeri?

Yes, almost all patients of urinary disorders like calculi, infections, burning micturition respond well to treatment with Neeri. Still, the results may vary in severe conditions.
18. Has the formulation Neeri undergone clinical trials?

Yes, Neeri has been clinically tried for its useful effects in urinary disorders, which exert lithotriptic, anti-infective, alkalizer and anti-inflammatory actions to provide long term and short term result.
19. Is Neeri safe in pregnant patients?

Ingredients of Neeri have not been contraindicated during pregnancy; still, caution must be practiced and should be taken under the supervision of a professional.
20. How does Neeri compare with other supplements in the market?

Neeri is a natural and comprehensive preparation for systemic treatment of urinary disorders. It helps to prevent the recurrence of urinary tract calculi and infections, which pose a major problem to the practitioner treating these cases. Also, Neeri has combination of herbs, which on the one hand act to relieve the binding mucin of calculi and on the other hand exert anti-infective action to eradicate the causative organism of UTI’s.

21. How does Neeri compare with other herbal brands in the market?

Neeri unlike other herbal brands is an exclusive formulation containing many herbs, which work in synergism to overcome the multiple causes of a urinary disorder. This particular feature is not available with any of the herbal brands.

22. Is Neeri a substitute for pharmaceutical drugs?

Yes, as far the urinary disorders are concerned; Neeri can be a substitute for pharmaceuticals. There is no medicine available to treat calculi; rescue is only through invasive procedures, which can cause a lot of discomfort. In such cases, Neeri works wonder. Although, several antibiotics are available to treat the infection but they are then associated with several adverse effects and recurrences, which pose a major problem, while Neeri is completely safe & effective remedy to treat & prevent Urinary Tract Infections.
23. Should I seek professional consultation?

Regular professional consultation is a must for any patient of urinary disorder to check the commencement of any complication. Consultation may also help to reduce the dosage of other medicines, if taking, on having a good response from Neeri.
24. What will happen if I increase or decrease the dosage of Neeri?

Neeri is a natural formulation having excellent tolerance in experimental subjects & human beings, which has passed the toxicity studies. Still for the optimum results, the recommended dosages may be followed.

25. How long it takes Neeri to provide relief?

Neeri provides alkalizer & anti-inflammatory action to provide in symptomatic relief within two days, in cases of urinary tract infections and in cases of calculi the episodes of pain are prevented and intensity reduced if on regular intake of Neeri and Neeri should be continued till the complete relief or elimination of disease.
26. Does Neeri have any side effects?

No, Neeri is not associated with any side effects on short / long term dosage. Still, if a patient suffers from any discomfort with intake of Neeri usage must be stopped and professional consultation be taken.
27. Is Neeri helpful to prevent the recurrence of urinary disorders?

Yes, Neeri definitely helps to prevent the recurrence of urinary disorders. Hence, relieves the patient and the physician of the repeated treatments with antibiotics and surgeries.
28. Does Neeri pass through quality parameters?
Yes, Neeri passes through stringent quality parameters at the level of raw herbs, process control and standardized uniformity manufactured under the norms of GMP in accordance to various compendiums, regulations and in-house protocol.
29. Should I follow any lifestyle changes along with Neeri?

Drink plenty of fluids, this helps to flush out the crystals and bacteria’s from the urinary tract, keeping it free from disease (follow the dietary chart of Neeri).
30. Do you suggest some diet contraindications for a patient prone to calculi formation?

A patient prone to calculi formation should avoid foods rich in oxalates like spinach, tomatoes, cashew nuts, and cucumber; & foods rich in uric acid / purines like cauliflower, mushroom, pumpkin and brinjal



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