Charak Imupsora Ointment
Pack Size:50g
Cutaneous anti-proliferative and chemoprotective
1) In severe symptoms during intermittent flare-ups
2) To improve the cosmetic appearance of lesions on visible sites viz. scalp, elbow, forearm etc
For specific lesions on the skin, to be applied twice a day.
It provides predictable anti-proliferative, anti inflammatory & antibacterial action.
Do's and Don'ts:
1) Bath only with mild soaps and when bathing keep the temperature of water-cool or warm not hot.
2) Moisturize your skin with coconut oil or other moisturizer, they prevent skin crack.
3) Drink plenty of water & fruit juice.
1) Avoid fish ,eggs, peanuts, soy or things causing allergies.
2) Psoriasis flares up when you are under stress so try to cope up with your stress
3) Avoid scratching the irritated area on your skin even if it itches
Imupsora Ointment
Each 5 gm contain (on w/v basis)
Extracts of the following :
Nimba Melia azadirachta 500 mg
Haridra Curcuma longa 210 mg
Manjishta Rubia cordifolia 250 mg
Khadir Acacia catechu 250 mg
Yashtimadhu Glycyrrhiza glabra 175 mg
Gel of following
Kumari Aloe barbadensis 35 mg
Oil of the following
Nimba tailam Melia azadirachta 10 mg
Karanj tailam Pongamia glabra 10 mg
Powders of the following
Shuddha Gandhak ------ 25 mg
Yashad bhasma ------ 25 mg
Ointment base q.s.
Imupsora is a comprehensive therapy, systemic as well as topical, for the treatment of Psoriasis. Glycosides in Rubia cordifolia exhibit keratolytic activity, anthraquinones, and triterpenes help in immune modulation while other phytoconstituents act as antiseptic and antibacterial. Curcuminoids of Curcuma longa have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties. Picorrhiza kurroa exerts UV-potentizing action. Fumaric acid in Fumaria officinalis reduces epithelial proliferation. The antioxidants of Triphala and Hemidesmus indicus help in restoration of skin texture (smoothening of cracked, painful epidermis). Bitters of Tinospora cordifolia improve immune-competence while Ocimum sanctum has anxiolytic and euthymic ('mood normalizing’) activity.
Important ingredients Action
Manjishtha Keratolytic, immune modulator, antiseptic, antibacterial
Triphala,Sariva Restoration of skin texture
Katuki UV-potentizing effect
Tulsi Anxiolytic and euthymic (‘mood normalizing’)
Parpata Reduces epithelial proliferation
Haridra tailam Anti-inflammatory, antipruritic
Guduchi Improves immune-competence