Charak Livomyn Tablets
Pack Size: 30 Tablets/ 1 Strip
Indications :
1) Viral hepatitis.
2) Drug induced hepatitis along with AKT/ART/Statins
3) Alcohol induced hepatitis
4) Cholestatic jaundice.
Each coated tablet contains:
Name of Ingredient Latin/English Name QTY
Extracts of the following :
Kalmegh Andrographis paniculata 700 mg
Bhumyamalaki Phyllanthus niruri 250 mg
Triphala >>>> 225 mg
Kasni Cichorium intybus 187.5 mg
Punarnava Boerhaavia diffusa 187.5 mg
Rohitak Amoora rohituka 187.5 mg
Vasa Adhatoda vasica 125 mg
Shunthi Zingiber officinale 87.5 mg
Daruharidra Berberis aristata 62.5 mg
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia 37.5 mg
Sharpunkha Tephrosia pupurea 37.5 mg
Parpata Fumaria officinalis 37.5 mg
Vidanga Embelia ribes 37.5 mg
Dhanyak Coriandrum sativum 25 mg
Kumari Aloe barbadensis 25 mg
Katuki Picrorrhiza kurroa 7.5 mg
Adults :1 to 2 tablets
Children :1 tablet
1) Reduces SGPT, SGOT and bilirubin levels.
2) Increases bile flow.
3) Improves kupffer cell function and builds immunity.
4) Reverses hepatic cell damage.
Do's And Don'ts
1) Simple and easily digestible food items – leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and fresh juices.
2) Prefer luke warm water
3) Small but frequent quantity of food is advised for patients suffering from liver disorders or diseases to maintain normal liver functions.
4) Bed rest especially in jaundice.
1) Consumption of alcohol and hepato-toxic drugs like steroids NSAIDs and
2) Excessive intake of tea and coffee should be avoided.
LIVOMYN is a combination of time tested and well-documented herbs in all kind of liver disorders. LIVOMYN offers antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. LIVOMYN ensures protection of hepatocytes against various toxins. Andrographis paniculata has cholagogue, antiviral properties. Phyllanthus niruri is hepatoprotective; exhibits marked inhibitory effect on Hepatitis B virus and has anti-inflammatory property. Picrorrhiza kurroa increases the production and flow of bile; Boerhaavia diffusa has powerful anti-inflammatory action and significantly inhibits the cell proliferation. Tinospora cordifolia and Cichorium intybus are immunomodulatory and anti-infective. Berberis aristata is hepatoprotective, liver rejuvenator and anti-inflammatory. Aloe barbadensis restores the integrity of hepatocytes and Emblica officinalis from Triphala reverses the hepatotoxin induced pre-fibrogenic events thus they help to rejuvenate the liver. LIVOMYN is an ideal hepatoprotective formulation which regulates the bile flow, protects the liver from virus, alcohol and drugs taken for other diseases and helps to rejuvenate the liver.
Important ingredients Action
Kalmegh Cholagogue, antiviral
Bhumyamlaki Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, powerful inhibitory effect on hepatitis B virus
Katuki Anti-viral activity, regulates the production and flow of bile
Punarnava Anti-inflammatory, inhibits the cell proliferation
Kumari Restores integrity of hepatocytes
Amlaki Reverses the hepatotoxin induced prefibrogenic events
Guduchi, kasni Immunomodulator, anti-infective, prevents hepatocyte damage, anti-infective
Daruharidra Hepatoprotective, prevents hepatocyte damage, anti-inflammatory