Charak Vivadona Capsules
Pack Size: 20 Capsules
1. Loss of libido in women due to: Anxiety in newly married, Sexual trauma, Post- partum depression
2. As a co-prescription in infertiltiy counseling
3. Loss of libido in menopausal women
1-2 Capsules twice a day or as directed by physician.
1. Elevates the mood and reduces anxiety
2. Improves desire
3. Balances body's natural sexual response and thereby helps to attain the pleasure and satisfaction
4. Corrects hormonal levels and improves blood flow to genitals and enhances vaginal compliance resulting in intensified pleasure during sexual act.
Each capsule contains:
Name of Ingredient
Shilajit Shuddha, 60 mg
Yashad Bhasma, 23.75 mg
Extract of the following:
Brahmi - Bacopa monnieri - 475 mg
Kali musali - Curuligo orchioides - 475 mg
Safed musali - Chlorophytum arundinaceum - 350 mg
Kauncha beej - Mucuna pruriens - 350 mg
Shatavari - Asparagus racemosus - 275 mg
Gokshura - Tribulus terrestris - 275 mg
Therapeutic Rationale:
Vivadona is a unique blend of scientifically documented herbs which enhances sexual desire and sexual drive. Bacopa monnieri is an effective antistress and adaptogenic agent. Curculigo orchioides shows significant estrogenic properties. Chlorophytum arundinaceum and Asparagus racemosus are beneficial in the management of stress. Asparagus racemosus is an ayurvedic rasayana used as an adaptogen. Tribulus terrestris is used as an aphrodisiac due to the androgen increasing property. Thus it is very effective formula for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction.
Important ingredients Action
Brahmi, Shatavari Antidepressant, Antianxiety and immune stimulating
Kali musali, Safed musali Aphrodisiac, Sexual stimulant
Gokshura Aphrodisiac
Kaunch beej Aphrodisiac, nervine tonic
Shilajit, Yashad Aphrodisiac, Tonic