Divya Kayakalp Vati
Pack Size: 40gm (160 Tablets appx.)
Therapeutic Uses
Purifies blood to cure all types of skin-diseases successfully.
Removes acne, pimples, dark spot on cheeks & spots on the face.
Cures all types of chronic & complicated ring-worms (dadru), itches, pruritus & eczema instantaneously. It is a complete cure for leucoderma & psoriasis as well.
Mode of Administration
To be taken twice on empty stomach early in the morning & one hour before dinner along with fresh water
Don't take milk or milk preparations one hour before & after the intake of this medicine.
Each 250 mg tablet contains
Cassia tora 18.75mg
Berberis aristata 37.50mg
Pongamia pinnata 6.25mg
Emblica officinalis 37.50mg
Tinospora cordifolia 18.75mg
Picrorhiza kurroa 6.25mg
Argemone mexicana 12.50mg
Rasmanikya 6.25mg
Curcuma longa 18.75mg
Acacia catechu 25.00mg
Azadirachta indica 25.00
Rubia cordifolia 6.25mg
Swertia chirata 18.75mg
Leucas cephalotes 6.25mg
Acacia catechu 6.25mg
M.C.C., Gum acacia, Aerosil, Talcum Q.S.
Useful in skin diseases