Divya Pharmacy Madhukalp Vati
Pack Size: 40 g (Equivalent to 80 tablets each of 500 mg)
Therapeutic Uses:
Finely powdered form of the following: Amrita, Jambu (black berry), Katuki, Nimba, Kirata Tiktaka (Chirayata), Gudamara, Karavellaka (bitter gourd), Kutaja, Go-kshura, Karcura, Haridra, Kala-megha, fruit of Babbula, Krishna Jiraka, Ativisha (pungent variety), Ashwagandha, Bilva, Triphala (a collective name for Haritaki, Bibhitaki & Amalakl) and adventitious roots of Vata, Shilajatu, Methika, etc.
Mode of Administration:
Take Divya Madhukalp Vati one hour before breakfast and dinner or after breakfast and dinner with luke warm water or milk.
If patient takes insulin or allopathic medicine, then he should test the level of his blood-sugar two weeks after the intake of this medicine. As the level of sugar becomes normal, the dose of allopathic medicine should be reduced gradually.
After the stoppage of allopathic medicine, when the level of blood sugar is reduced and becomes normal, the dose of this medicine should also be reduced gradually.
1 - 2 tablets, twice a day.