Divya Chitrakadi Vati
Pack size: 20g
It works on the indigestion, lack of appetite, bulimia, abdominal gas and removes Ama Dosha, which are due to a lack of fire. Chitraka is the name of fire in Sanskrit. This formulation is best for moderate conditions of a lack of digestive fire. This is excellent medicine from Swami Ramdev.
Although Citrakadi vati is considered to be mainly treating various types of gastric disorders but yet this vati also finds application in various other disease types too. This vati brings about the cleansing the entire system thus helping in attainment of healthy mind, body and soul.
Bark of Chitrak mul.
Pipali mul
Sendha Namak
Sonchar namak
Kala namak
Samudra namak
Sanbhar namak
Black pepper or kali mirch
Choti Pipal
Hingh that has been cooked in ghee
Rasa from Dadim or pomegranate
Dosage :
2-2 tabs, Twice a daily. Take AFTER lunch & dinner.