Dr. J.R.K Siddha, Package for Comprehensive Solution for Eczema, Melasma, Dry Skin, Lichen Planus and Icthyosis

These Package for Comprehensive Solution for Eczema, Melasma, Dry Skin, Lichen Planus and Icthyosis

Item Code: JRKEM
Product Expiry: Jul 2027 or later
Dr. J.R.K Siddha, Package for Comprehensive Solution for Eczema, Melasma, Dry Skin, Lichen Planus and Icthyosis, 1 Month Course
$ 54.95
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Dr. J.R.K Siddha, Package for Comprehensive Solution for Eczema, Melasma, Dry Skin, Lichen Planus and Icthyosis

Package Includes
1) Lippu Ointment  (Pack size: 75 gm) Use thrice daily.
2) G-7 Capsules (Pack size: 100 capsules) Adult: one capsule in morning and two capsules at night after food.
Children: above 10 years: one capsule a day after food.
3) Psorolin Medicated Bathing Bar (Pack size: 75 gm) Use as regular bathing bar.
4) S.I.V.A. Herbal Drops (Pack size : 30 ml)  Adult: 10 drops preferably honey in empty stomach twice a day.
Melasma (Cholasma) is much common amongst the Asian race. It is common during pregnancy. Darkening of facial skin across cheeks, around eyes and over the forehead. It is common amongst those who take contraceptive pills.
Eczema , Dry Skin
The increase in melanocytes due to stimulating hormone like oestrogen and progesterone also play a role.
Lichen Planus is usually a self limited eruption, which can involve the glabrous skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. A prevalence of 1.4% is note in dermatology patients.
Icthyosis refers to the fish scale like appearance of skin. Hereditary icthyosis is classified mainly into Icthyosis Vulgaris, X linked Icthyosis, lamellar icthyosis, epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis and congenital icthyosicform erythroderma.
Atopic dermatitis is a classic endogenous eczema. It is a pruritic, recurrent, flexural and symmetric eczematous dermatitis. The ailment usually starts in early life and disease activity is generally seen upto the end of the third decade. It occurs between 0.7% and 2.4% of the population.
Product Description:
1) Lippu Ointment
Dry skin, Atopic dermatitis, Lichen planus, Allergic skin, Icthyosis, Geriatric skin problems, Pruritus
Extracts of
Pungamia glabra in Oleum cocos nucifera, 4.0%
Ointment base,   QS
Mechanism of action:
Effectively controls Trans Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL)
Moisturises the skin
Proven solution to dry skin problem associated with itching
Minimizes itching
Oil can be used in infants and children as baby oil
Lippu Ointment - FAQ's
What is difference between the Oil and Ointment?
There is no major difference except the medium of presentation. The Ointment may give convenience while travel and night times and for localized application. Ointment is only for external application.
Can the Oil and Ointment be combined?
Yes. They can be combined.
Clothes get stained, how can we take care of the same?
If there is inconvenience, one could mop up with a cotton towel / cloth, the excess if any after about an hour from the time of application.
The Oil smells foul, can we use perfume?
The Oil is made of natural ingredients and is presented in its natural form. One could use perfume as long as it does not contain any irritant chemicals that could harm the skin / aggravate the problem.
How much Oil / Ointment does one require for a typical problem?
It depends on the extent of the problem. One could reckon at least 10ml a day for a small affected area.

2) G-7 Capsules:
Allergic skin problems
Chronic dry eczema and pruritus
Geriatric dry skin problems
Each 500mg capsule contains extracts of:
Phyllanthus emblica, 50mg
Smilax chinensis, 100mg
Withania somnifera, 100mg
Corallocarpus epigaeus, 75mg
Clerodendron inerme, 100mg
Processed sulphur, 25mg
Conch turbinella rapaparpam, 25mg
Linga chenduram, 1mg
Ponnimillai chenduram, 1mg
Excipients, QS
Mechanism of action:
Regulates mast cell degranulation
Neutralizes histamine effect
Scientifically proven Mast cell stabilizer.
Restores normal skin in allergic skin problems.
Specific anti- pruritic property.
Restores normalcy in senile dry skin problems.
When co-prescribed with topical Lippu oil/ointment – effectively helps in managing allergic dry skin disorders.
No known side effect in prescribed dosage.
G - 7 Capsules - FAQ's
What is G-7 Capsules?
G-7 Capsules is a Herbo-Mineral compound preparation with ingredients known for therapeutic action in Siddha System of Medicine.
How does it act?
It helps by inhibiting bronchospasm during allergen exposure and anaphylactic shock in the case of G-7 Capsules treated experimental animals. This was confirmed in subsequent clinical studies at Dr.JRK's Siddha Research & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. The animal model anti-allergy study of G-.7 Capsule was conducted at Dept. of Microbiology, New College, and Chennai.
What are the types of allergy respond to G-7 Capsules treatment?
Urticaria, Dust allergy and Allergic respiratory disorders.
Is it recommended for chronic eczema, which is reported as immune related disorders?
It is recommended for chronic eczema at the dosage advised by the physician.
Is it effective for Pruritus (itching) in elderly people?
It is recommended for Pruritus and Geriatric (elderly people) dry skin problems at the prescribed dosage.
Is there any side effect in G-7 Capsules treatment?
As per the observations and the clinical studies G-7 Capsules compound is safe at recommended the dosage.
Is it advisable for Children?
It is recommended for children above 2 years one capsule daily and above 10 years 2 capsules daily after food, or as Advised by the physician.
Can G-7 Capsules be combined with S.I.V.A?
Yes, G-7 Capsules can be combined with S.I.V.A as the supportive drug for the above problems and indications.

3) Psorolin Medicated Bathing Bar:
Fights keratinocytes proliferation, wins the battle with dandruff causing, pityrosporum ovale, psorolin medicated bathing bar contains oil extracts of wrightia tinctora and Aloe vera that have excellent therapeutic properties for management of psoriasis and for improving the overall skin condition and maintaining luster. Wrightia tinctoria helps to control of exfoliation of epidermis and restoration of normal skin. It also has anti-fungal properties.
All types of psoriasis
Dry skin
Seborrheic dermatitis
Pitryasis versicolor
Each bar of 75 gms contains:
Aloe vera thailam, 10%
Wrightia tinctoria thailam, 10%
Vegetable oil derived fatty acid base, QS
Mechanism of action:
Regulates exfoliation and restores normal skin.
Through its moisturizing and smoothening effect, provide excellent benefits to skin.
Specially formulated for Psoriasis and dry skin.
Ideal for skin problems arising out of diabetes and hypersensitivity.
Psorolin Medicated Bathing Bar - FAQ's
Skin is the largest organ of our body. The skin covers and protects the surface of the body and is a continuous organ with a mucous membrane lining the cavities and orifices that open to the surface. The skin has many functions. It contains the tactile nerve endings; it helps regulate the body temperature and water losses from the body. In addition it wards off many microorganisms from infecting the body. The texture, color and health of the skin are also conventionally considered as important aspects of the looks of a person.
It would be in our interest to keep the part of our body performing so many essential functions, healthy and glowing. In particular, persons with dry skin and skin ailments need to take additional care.
Presenting Psorolin medicated bathing bar -a specially formulated medicated bathing bar recommended as an ideal bathing accessory for persons with Psoriasis and or dry skin.
Psorolin medicated bathing bar offers exemplary skin care and is indicated for use in all types of psoriasis (both in acute and chronic stages) & Dry skin problems. Use of Psorolin Medicated bathing bar provides a moisturizing effect that stays all day and helps patients have the advantage of controlling Keratinocyte proliferation as in psoriasis and keep the skin moist in certain dry skin problems. Psorolin medicated bathing bar also proves particularly helpful for dry skin conditions associated with Diabetes.
Commonly available bathing bars/liquid soaps/gels have a limitation in psoriasis and dry skin problems because most of them produce dryness after usage.
So if you have been afflicted with skin ailments like dry skin or Psoriasis and concerned about managing it effectively, you would benefit from learning more about Psorolin medicated bathing bar!
What is Psorolin Medicated bathing bar?
Psorolin Medicated bathing bar is a specially formulated bathing bar that is indicated for use by patients with Psoriasis and dry skin conditions. It can be used in substitution of the normal bathing soap/bar. It has all the properties required of a bathing bar (in cleansing) and can safely be used for the long term. Psorolin Medicated bathing bar contains oil extracts of
What is unique about Psorolin Medicated bathing bar?
Psorolin Medicated bathing bar is specially formulated for safe cleansing of the skin. It is formulated with the key ingredients that form part of a breakthrough product for treatment of Psoriasis and dry skin Dr.JRK's 777 Oil. During bathing, the oil forms sheen on the skin, which minimizes the dry feeling of the skin. Further, Dr.JRK's 777 Oil also effectively controls psoriasis. So Psorolin Medicated bathing bar performs the normal cleansing function of a regular soap/bathing bar and in addition keeps skin moist and has a distinct therapeutic effect.
Would it be required to use regular soaps/gels additionally for bathing?
Conditions such as Psoriasis and dry skin are abnormal situations and hence require due care. Regular soaps/gels do not possess the therapeutic properties of Psorolin Medicated bathing bar and in most cases cause dryness post usage. Psorolin Medicated bathing bar possesses all the required properties of a regular bathing soap and hence there is no need for use of any other product.
Can we use Psorolin Mrdicated bathing bar as a regular cleanser?
It is advised to use Psorolin Medicated bathing bar a regular body cleanser for patients with Psoriasis and or dry skin. It is an effective cleanser and a good emollient.
Are there any side effects associated with Psorolin Medicated bathing bar?
There are no reports of any side effect with the use Psorolin Medicated bathing bar
Is Psorolin Medicated bathing bar is safe for all age groups?
Psorolin Medicated bathing bar is safe for use by all age groups.
What are the advantages of Psorolin Medicated bathing bar?
For persons with dry skin or Psoriasis, currently available bath soaps/bars provide little or no solution for aiding reduction in exfoliation of epidermal cells, improving moisture content and most importantly a fresh and clean feel after bathing.
Psorolin medicated bathing bar helps /suitable for
Restore Normal skin
Control Exfoliation
Control infections (Anti-Fungal property of its ingredients)
Inflammatory conditions associated with Psoriasis (has anti-inflammatory properties)
Provide a fresh clean and neat feeling after bath/cleansing.
Can Psorolin Medicated bathing bar used for scalp Psoriasis?
Psorolin Medicated bathing bar is indicated for all types of Psoriasis and dry skin.
What other skin conditions can Psorolin Medicated bar be used?
Diabetes associated dry skin problems.
Does Psorolin Medicated bathing bar have antiseptic properties?
Psorolin Medicated bathing bar has antiseptic properties, and effectively control the growth of Pseudomonas, the key sepsis-forming microorganism. Hence, Psorolin medicated bathing bar is an ideal cleanser for most of the skin infections.

4) S.I.V.A. Herbal Drops:
S.I.V.A Herbal Drops is very effective for those who suffer from diabetes, hypersensitive group, HIV infected group, subjects with various autoimmune disorders such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo and the subjects affected by degenerative diseases and also diseases like acute or chronic Eczema, Ulcers of G.I tract, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), Fungal Dermatitis etc
S.I.V.A Herbal Drops works wonder in developing sustainable immunity in human body. S.I.V.A Herbal Drops the herbal formulation selectively boosts the phagocytic ability of the macrophages located at different regions of the body such as peritoneal cavity, alveolar space etc and hence provides effective immune surveillance and robust defence mechanism to the host system .As a consequence, , human system can fight quite efficiently against a variety of pathogenic and opportunistic microbes that surrounds us in the environment .
S.I.V.A Herbal Drops prepared in camphor-poly herbal method, comprises of herbs ---- extracts like Sivanar vembu samoola chooranam or Indigofera aspalathoides , a rare south Indian herb
Under treatment with S.I.V.A Herbal Drops increased membrane stability and chemotacticity of the phagocytes is developed. The phagocytic ability of the S.I.V.A Herbal Drops treated cells is increased to 40 folds when compared to the un treated cells.
S.I.V.A Herbal Drops is absolutely safe without any harmful side effect. There is no metal /mineral component in the formula. Moreover no adverse reaction was reported or observed even when S.I.V.A Herbal Drops is given concurrently with other drugs. There is no contra indications noted when S.I.V.A Herbal Drops is administered. No toxic effect, hence long term use is recommended in chronic problems.
The use of S.I.V.A Herbal Drops is quite simple. consume everyday 10 drops of S.I.V.A Herbal Drops with a teaspoonful of honey, early in the morning in empty stomach. For children it is 5 drops. Extent of S.I.V.A Herbal Drops absorption is enhanced significantly when honey is co-administered. Enzyme based activation is presumed for this enhanced activity.
Recurrent and chronic infective conditions
Supressed immunity
Auto immune disorders, like Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc.,
Each 30 ml contains extracts of:
Indigofera aspalathoides, 125mg
Celastrus paniculatus, 25mg
Corallocarpus epigaeus, 125mg
Cinnamomum camphora, 125mg
Solanum trilobatum, 10mg
Oil base, QS
Mechanism of action:
Enhances Phagocytosis and chemotaxis, thereby enhances immunity against pathogens
As an immunomodulator, it restores immune balance
Strengthens patient's immunity
Prompt action,scientifically proven and clinically effective
Effective immunomodulator
No known interaction with other drugs
No known side effects
When co-prescribed with topical Dr.JRK’s 777 oil, Psorolin ointment helps to enhance pace of progress in the treatment of Psoriasis
When co-prescribed with topical Tolenorm, helps to enhance pace of progress in the treatment of Vitligo
When co-prescribed with topical Lippu oil/ ointment helps enhance to pace of progress in chronic dry skin problems.
S.I.V.A Herbal Drops - FAQ's
How S.I.V.A Herbal drops boosts the immune defense?
S.I.V.A Herbal Drops boosts the macrophage-mediated immunity. Experimental studies have shown that S.I.V.A Herbal Drops treated phagocytes exhibits significantly high phagocytic ability against opsonized antigen than the control phagocytes. Carbon exclusion technique in animal model also proves the efficacy of S.I.V.A Herbal Drops.
Do S.I.V.A Herbal drops prevent microbial diseases by boosting the immune defense?
S.I.V.A Herbal Drops administered immune suppressed animals were more protected against challenged Candidiasis than S.I.V.A Herbal Drops non-administered group. The findings of the study reiterate the fact that S.I.V.A Herbal Drops boosts the macrophage mediated immunity and also offers protection against diseases that are occurred due to defective macrophage mediated Immunity.
How long and in how many patients, S.I.V.A Herbal drops is put in use?
Nearly 10,000 patients in 20 years of Clinical practice of Dr. J.R. Krishnamoorthy has benefited by S.I.V.A Herbal Drops therapy. Recently a patient from Canada has conquered HIV associated diseases through S.I.V.A Herbal Drops treatment. Steady increase in CD4 cell count was observed in the same patient as well in large number of other patients in India as well as in abroad after use of S.I.V.A Herbal Drops.

Please consult your doctor for due diagnosis of your problem. Some of the products are best taken under regular medical supervision.

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