Dr. J.R.K Siddha, Package for Comprehensive Solution for Premature Greying and Hair Loss

Promotes faster hair growth Strengthens hair roots Retards premature greying & keeps hair healthy

Item Code: JRKPH
Product Expiry: Jul 2027 or later
Dr. J.R.K Siddha, Package for Comprehensive Solution for Premature Greying and Hair Loss, 1 Month Course
$ 41.25
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Dr. J.R.K Siddha, Package for Comprehensive Solution for Premature Greying and Hair Loss

Package Includes:
1) Kesh Raksha Oil: (Pack size: 100 ml) Regular use of Kesh Raksha Oil is recommended for those with excessive hair fall/ pre-mature graying.
2) Kesh Raksha Gel: (Pack size: 75 gm ) Regular use of Kesh Raksha is recommended for those with the problems for which Kesh Raksha Gel is indicated.
3) Bekay Capsules: (Pack size: 100 capsules ) Adult: one Bekay capsule in the morning and two capsules at night after food. Children above 10 years: two capsules a day after food. Children above 5 years: one capsule a day after food.
  • Promotes faster hair growth
  • Strengthens hair roots
  • Retards premature greying & keeps hair healthy
Kesh Raksha Oil & Gel are specially formulated to offer complete hair care benefit such as enhanced hair growth, reduced hair fall, hair breakage & delayed greying of the hair.
Kesh Raksha Oil increases protein synthesis and prolongs anagen phase of hair.
Northern blot analysis of mRNA specific to Shh cDNA in treated and control animals.
Kesh Raksha was tested for its hair growth promoting property (Prolonged anagen phase) in an animal model by total count assay.
The Oil was found to enhance protein synthesis in the matrix cells that results in prolonging the anagen phase .Increased protein synthesis specific for hair growth was confirmed by Northern blotting using Sonic Hedge HogDNA(Shh cDNA) as probe. Thus shows increase in total number and length of hair.
Further, the oil application increases the structural integrity of the hair i.e. increases the cysteine content of the hair.
The study confirms that Kesh Raksha is an effective formulation for preventing hair fall and enhancing hair growth.
Product Description:
1) Kesh Raksha Oil
Kesh Raksha is a natural way to prevent hair fall. Kesha Raksha was found to enhance protein synthesis thus promoting hair growth. Studies confirm that Kesh Reksha is an effective formulation which prevents hair fall and enhances hair growth, premature greying and helps develop long, dark and beautiful hair.
Each 5mg contains
extracts of
Phyllanthus emblica, 50 mg
Bergamia koenigii, 50 mg
Lawsonia alba, 50 mg
Indigofera tinctoria, 75 mg
Eclipta prostrata, 75 mg
Oleum cocos nucifera, QS
Direction for use:
Use Kesh Rakha everyday as regular hair oil
Keep hair dry before application
Apply Kesh Raksha daily on the scalp and rub well to stimulate the hair roots
Wash hair at regular intervels with natural washing agents
Regular application of Kesh Raksha eliminates hail fall,premature greying and stimulates hair growth
Long term use will give a life time benefit of a long, dark and beautiful hair.
Kesh Raksha Hair Vitalizer
For Long Dark & Beautiful Hair, Reduces hair fall, Stimulates hair growth, Prolongs anagen phase of hair, Enhances protein synthesis specific to hair growth, Minimizes premature graying.
KESH RAKSHA hair vitalizer - FAQ's
Across times and across the world maintenance of good and healthy hair has been an important aspect of the lives of both men and women.
Literature, history and studies of societies throw light on how healthy hair is essential component in the 'looks' of a person! With changes in living conditions and lifestyle, the problems of premature hair loss and premature Greying are being seen read more often than before.For the maintenance of healthy hair and overcoming problems of premature Greying and hair loss, most of us have heard or experienced a variety of solutions offered by so many chemical formulations. Besides, this, many so-called herbal formulations that have more chemicals than natural substances claim little short of miracles. The experience has been far from satisfactory.Presenting KESH RAKSHA, a unique and clinically proven herbal formulation that would help you maintain healthy hair; prevent pre-mature Greying and excessive hair loss. Some of the frequently asked questions about hair and hair care with KESH RAKSHA are discussed below:
What exactly is hair made of and how does it grow?
The best way to answer this question is in two parts. First, your hair grows from follicles within the skin. The part of the hair inside the follicle (below the skin's surface) is known as the hair root, while the portion you see protruding from the head is the hair shaft. At the base of the hair root is the hair bulb where nutrients are received and new cells are formed. Also within the hair follicle are the dermal papilla (a cone shaped protrusion at the base of the follicle which feeds blood - and therefore nutrients - to the hair bulb), the sebaceous gland (or oil gland) which lubricates and keeps the hair healthy and shiny, as well as the arrector pili, a tiny muscle anchored to the follicle. The arrector pili respond to stimulus (fear or cold) causing them to contract and make the hair stand up straight. Taking nutrients from the dermal papilla, the hair bulb generates new hair cells. As these cells move up through the hair root, they mature through a process called keratinization, fill with fibrous protein and lose their nucleus. When the cell loses its nucleus, it is no longer alive. By the time, the hair emerges from the skin it is merely fiber made of keratinized proteins. The fibrous protein emerging from the hair follicle as the hair shaft has a specific construction. It forms a strand with three layers:
An outer covering of overlapping keratin scales called the cuticle, A middle keratinized layerUsually, a central 'core' of round cells called the medulla, is found in coarse hair, and often is absent from naturally blonde hair and very fine hair.Protein fibers called the cortex,
In fact, our hair is approximately 91 percent protein, and is made up of long chains of amino acids. These chains are found within the fibers of the cortex of the hair. The amino acids of these chains are made up of the elements carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur (the building blocks of the skin and nails) and are joined together by peptide bonds. Long chains of these peptide bonds are called polypeptide chains.
The polypeptide chains are in turn joined by side bonds.
There are three types of side bonds:
Salt bonds,Hydrogen bonds, and Disulfide bonds.
The salt and hydrogen bonds are most prevalent, but are weaker and are broken by heat and moisture. It is the action of salt and hydrogen bonds allow the use of wet roller sets and curling or flat irons to change the amount of curl in the hair. Disulfide bonds are fewer, but are much stronger. When you get a permanent wave service, or a relaxer, it is the disulfide bonds that are broken and reformed to give you the change in the amount of curl. Each type of side bond accounts for about one-third of the hair's strength.
What exactly is hair made of and how does it grow?
The best way to answer this question is in two parts. First, your hair grows from follicles within the skin. The part of the hair inside the follicle (below the skin's surface) is known as the hair root, while the portion you see protruding from the head is the hair shaft. At the base of the hair root is the hair bulb where nutrients are received and new cells are formed. Also within the hair follicle are the dermal papilla (a cone shaped protrusion at the base of the follicle which feeds blood - and therefore nutrients - to the hair bulb), the sebaceous gland (or oil gland) which lubricates and keeps the hair healthy and shiny, as well as the arrector pili, a tiny muscle anchored to the follicle. The arrector pili respond to stimulus (fear or cold) causing them to contract and make the hair stand up straight. Taking nutrients from the dermal papilla, the hair bulb generates new hair cells. As these cells move up through the hair root, they mature through a process called keratinization, fill with fibrous protein and lose their nucleus. When the cell loses its nucleus, it is no longer alive. By the time, the hair emerges from the skin it is merely fiber made of keratinized proteins. The fibrous protein emerging from the hair follicle as the hair shaft has a specific construction. It forms a strand with three layers:
An outer covering of overlapping keratin scales called the cuticle,
A middle keratinized layer
Protein fibers called the cortex,
Usually, a central 'core' of round cells called the medulla, is found in coarse hair, and often is absent from naturally blonde hair and very fine hair.
In fact, our hair is approximately 91 percent protein, and is made up of long chains of amino acids. These chains are found within the fibers of the cortex of the hair. The amino acids of these chains are made up of the elements carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur (the building blocks of the skin and nails) and are joined together by peptide bonds. Long chains of these peptide bonds are called polypeptide chains.
The polypeptide chains are in turn joined by side bonds.
There are three types of side bonds:
Salt bonds,Hydrogen bonds, and Disulfide bonds.
The salt and hydrogen bonds are most prevalent, but are weaker and are broken by heat and moisture. It is the action of salt and hydrogen bonds allow the use of wet roller sets and curling or flat irons to change the amount of curl in the hair. Disulfide bonds are fewer, but are much stronger. When you get a permanent wave service, or a relaxer, it is the disulfide bonds that are broken and reformed to give you the change in the amount of curl. Each type of side bond accounts for about one-third of the hair's strength.
What is the main cause for hair loss?
Although variety of factors contribute to the hair loss, however about 90% hair losses is due to hormonal change - conversion of testosterone to Dihydro-testosterone (DHT) by an enzyme called 5a reductase.
What are the other causes for hair loss?
Hair loss is a natural physiological phenomenon. A person, on an average loses about 100-hair strands every day. However if the hair loss goes beyond the normal, it results in drastic and visible hair fall which is considered as hair loss problem.
There are several reasons for hair fall:
Environmental factors such as pollution, harsh weather, poor quality of water, Stress, Improper hair care, Use of certain drugs and diseases, Aging, Dandruff also implicated to be one of the causes for hair fall.
Management of hair fall requires a holistic approach, enhancing microcirculation around the hair follicle, reduction of hair fiber breakage, moisture balance retentivity and maintaining the equilibrium of the scalp microhabitat.
Can any regular anti-dandruff shampoo solve my dandruff problem?
Anti breakage, shampoo can only minimize the hair fall due to fiber breakage and not due to hair root shrinkage.
To address the problem therefore, a holistic approach is required. Presenting KESH RAKSHA, a unique and clinically proven herbal formulation that would help you maintain healthy hair; prevent pre-mature Greying and excessive hair loss.
How do I use Kesh Raksha?
Use Kesh Raksha as your regular hair oil.
Keep hair dry (wipe dry if hair is wet after a head bath) before application. Apply Kesh Raksha daily on the scalp and rub well to stimulate the hair roots. Soft combing is advised. Also healthy and hygienic hair care is essential. Wash hair at regular interval with natural washing agents. Regular application of Kesh Raksha helps eliminate hair fall, premature Greying and stimulate hair growth. Long term use will give a lifetime benefit of long, dark, and beautiful hair thereby giving you a youth look.
Why should I use Kesh Raksha in particular?
Kesh Raksha Herbal Hair Vitalizer for Long Dark & beautiful hair.
Promotes faster hair growth
Strengthens hair roots.
Prevents premature Greying & keeps hair healthy
How is Kesh Raksha different from other medicated hair oils?
Kesh Raksha is an effective, economical and definite solution to the problem of excessive hair loss and premature Greying. Kesh Raksha prolongs the anagen phase of the hair, strengthens the roots, scalp, and has natural ingredients to keep the color of your hair intact. It is convenient to use, non-greasy and does not have any side effects. All these have been established in published scientific studies and clinically experienced by several men and women in India and elsewhere in the world.
Are there any studies and publications on Kesh Raksha?
Krishnamoorthy.JR, Ranganathan.S, Gokulshankar and Ranjith MS. A novel herbal formulation enhancing protein synthesis specific hair for hair growth-A Northern blotting analysis, International journal of Applied Cosmetology 2003; 21: pp167-175.
KESH RAKSHA hair oil increases protein synthesis and prolong the anagen phase of hair
Does Kesh Raksha contain any synthetic chemicals?
No, Kesh Raksha does not contain any synthetic chemicals.
Is KESH RAKSHA a sticky hair oil?
No, Kesh Raksha is presented as a non-sticky and non-greasy hair oil.
Is KESH RAKSHA recommended for all age groups?
KESH RAKSHA is recommended and can safely be used for all age groups.
The oil has herbal smell. Why is it?
The oil contains pure herbal ingredients and hence may have a natural and herbal odor.
What are the herbs used in Kesh Raksha and its advantages?
Kesh Raksha contains Extracts of Studies on DANO include
Phyllanthus emblica : The dried fruits helps to keep the system cool by virtue of its refrigerant property. As an oil extraction it helps to the healthy growth of hair.
Murraya koenigii : It tones the Dathus(the body structure). Oil extract from leaf of this plant has been in used traditionally for good hair growth.
Lawsonia alba : It is an astringent and deodorant .The oil extract of Lawsonia prevents premature Greying of hair and also keeps hair healthy.
Indigofera tinctoria : The plant is stimulant,alterative,deobstruent and purgative. In addition, it is used as antiseptic and astringent.
Eclipta prostrata : It possesses the following pharmacological properties: hepato protective, anti viral, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, tonic, hypotensive, hair tonic, anti parasitic, therapeutic action in skin disorders. It tones up the liver, eliminates toxins from the body, and thereby brings back the healthy growth of tissues including hair. The oil extract by its tonic action eliminates toxins and tones up the scalp. It thus promotes faster hair growth.
Oleum Cocos nucifera : It promotes the growth of hair. It is widely used in herbal medicinal preparation.
For how long one need to use KESH RAKSHA ?
Use of KESH RAKHSA regularly for a period of 3 weeks would bring about significant reduction in hair loss and Greying. Continuous use as a regular hair oil , combined with good protein rich diet and timely an appropriate cleansing of hair and making it a part of your lifestyle would greatly enhance the long term maintenance of a healthy and lustrous hair.

2) Kesh Raksha Gel:
Offers triple benefits of N P T (Nourishment, Protection and Treatment).
Ensures rich and natural color and luster of the hair.
Experimental studies have proved hair growth property of the Kesh Raksha Gel.
Each 5 gm contains
Coconut oil extracts of
Phyllanthus emblica         : 50 mg
Murraya Koenigii              : 50 mg
Lawsonia alba                   : 50 mg
Indigofera tinctoria           : 75 mg
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis       : 75 mg
Eclipta prostrata               : 75 mg
Carbomer IP base            :      QS
Specially formulated to give the complete benefits of Kesh Raksha hair vitalizer to non-oil users.
Kesh Raksha is a natural way to prevent hair fall. Kesha Raksha was found to enhance protein synthesis thus promoting hair growth. Studies confirm that Kesh Reksha is an effective formulation which prevents hair fall and enhances hair growth, premature greying and helps develop long, dark and beautiful hair.
Kesh Raksha gel formulated to offer the complete benefits of Hair Vitalizer in a gel format. This is mainly to enable the non oil users to have the benefit of Kesh Raksha.
Apply the gel liberally on the scalp and hair after wash. Daily use is desired for best benefit.
Direction for use:
Keep hair dry before application.
Apply Kesh Raksha daily on the scalp and rub well to stimulate the hair roots.
Wash hair at regular intervals with natural washing agents.
Regular application of Kesh Raksha eliminates hail fall, premature greying and stimulates hair growth.
Long term use will give a life time benefit of a long, dark and beautiful hair.

3) Bekay Capsules:
Eclipta Prostrata has chola gogue action. It stimulates liver and eliminates hepato toxicity caused by bacterial , viral or any parasitic infections. Viral hepatitis responds very well to Eclipta prostrata ( Ref Guna Padam page 173). In anaemia conditions, haemopoesis is activated when compounded with processed ferrum in the juice of citrus bergamia. Hepato biliary disorders quickly disappears and normal appetite and digestion is restored.
Hepatic disorders
Iron deficiency anaemia
Loss of appetite and dyspepsia
Adjuvant in the treatment of vitiligo and hypopigmentary disorders
Each 500mg capsule contains extracts of :
Processed ferrum * - 5%
Excipients – QS
* Processed in juices of Eclipta prostrata and Citrus bergamia in equal proportions
Mechanism of action:
Provides hepato-protection by elimination of toxins and normalizing liver enzymes.
Powerful Hepato protector against infections,drugs and alcohol.
Effective hematinic.
Good Appetite stimulant.
When co-prescribed with Topical Tolenorm –enhances pace of progress in the treatment of Vitiligo.
No known side effect in prescribed dosage.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bekay Capsules?
Bekay capsule is a herbo mineral compound known for therapeutic action in Siddha system of medicine.
Can you explain its hepato protect activity in conditions where liver toxicity is suspected?
Experimental studies on the protective activity of Bekay on the lines of known parameters, revealed that oral administration of Bekay offers great hepato protection against drugs induced hepatic damage. This study was conducted at Dept. of Microbiology, New College, Chennai.
What is its role in the management of VITILIGO?
It treats the problem.
Is there any side-effects in Bekay treatment?
As per the observations and the clinical studies Bekay compound is safe at recommended dosage.
Is it advisable for children?
It is recommended at one capsule for children above and 3 capsules for adults after food.
Can Bekay be used for iron deficiency anemia?
Yes, it is recommended on the advice of the consultant.

Please consult your doctor for due diagnosis of your problem. Some of the products are best taken under regular medical supervision.

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