Pack Size: 50g
Jyeshthamadh Powder benefits:
For hair growth - it is known as keshya (stimulates hair growth) take half to one teaspoon with milk or water daily.
Improve complexion - it is known as varnya (bring lustre & rejuvenates skin) take half to 1 teaspn as above.
Acidity - Pitta-as avove. can add sugar
Cough- very good for dry cough. mix 1 teaspn in one glass of hot water and sip every 10 minutes, (keep water in thermos)
To improve vocie / for tried voice - as above or keep 1 pinch powder with suger in mouth and mix saliva and slowly gulp.
Mouth Ulcers: Make a paste with pure ghee and apply to the area off and on.
Gingivitis, gum bleeding- massage gums with the above paste
Excessive bleeding - from nose, rectum, mouth, cough, menses- take half to one teaspn with pure ghee 2-3 times a day.
Swelling - make a paste with water and apply.
Non healing wound - warm 2-3 teaspns with pure ghee and add little water to cook. apply this poultice on wound at night.
Rash on skin - make a paste with pure ghee and rub on affected area before bath.
For Conceiving and during pregancy.
Half a teaspn with a teaspn of anantmul and shatavari with milk as pregnancy advances can take twice a day.
Better avoided if having hypertension.
Burning Urine in summer - half teaspoon with milk and candy sugar.
Instruction for use:
Keep pack air tight & in a cool dry place