Pack Size 20 gm
Very effective in stopping the bleeding and pain caused by piles.
Anal symptoms like excurbating pains, burning after defecation and bleeding are very annoying. Some victims are too shy to ask the help. Sometimes, some of the piles-like symptoms can be entirely because of other things, something as simple as pungent and spicy food or due to any local cause including a habit of nervous habitual scratching, which generates the "itch-scratch-itch" cycle. Application of Pyloin ointment locally before and after defecation relieves the symptoms from piles as well as from other causes as mentioned above.The ointment has herbal extracts which work locally and heal the irritation.The herbs have property to remove stagnation and heal the wound of fissure and piles.
How this happen ?
Lodhra(Symplocos racemosus) relieves edema while Mocharas (gum of silk cotton tree)is useful to stop bleeding.
Druharidra(berberis ) remove pus and other discharges and relieve itching.It works as wormicidal also
Karpur(borned campharistotusor) clean the region,treat infections and relieve pain.
Kokam and sesame oil have lubricating action and wound healing tendancy.
Application of the ointment three to four times daily gives faster relief.