Abhinav Varunadi Kwath Granules
Pack size: 20 Scathes, 2g each
Abhinav Varunadi Kwath Granules are prepared using highest quality herbs in the same proportion as to prepare a dose of Kwath. One Pouch Kwath granules provides the complete effect of a freshly prepared Kwath (Decotation) dose.
Kwath or Kadha or Kashayam is one of the best dosage forms mentioned in Ayurveda. However due to the inconvenience of preparing and the time involved, this Kwath preparation has been loosing its utility. Presently there are various Kwath preparations available in liquid form which are either based on sugar or alcohol and do not offer the complete efficacy of Kwath. Also the recommended dose of these preparations is not being taken making it even more inefficous. Above all these liquid preparations are very difficult to carry & have a strong chance of leakage, breakage or spillage.
Keeping all the above aspects in mind abhinavayu Health Care has introduced a novel way of taking Kwath. Prepared as per the formulations mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts and applying modern manufacturing hi-end technology abhinavayu offers Kwath in the form of readily soluble granules - Kwath Granules. These are available in single dose pouch of 2 gms each and offer an effect equal to 80 ml of freshly prepared kwath. All ingredients in granules are standardised & micronised to offer consistency & efficacy of a freshly prepared Kwath. Most importantly as these are available in pouch Packing. one can easily carry them even in pockets & purses.
The Kwath granules have a rich herbal fresh taste. It does not contain any sugar, alcohol or harmful preservatives and therefore can be easily taken by every one, children, old age, diabetics, pregnant and lactating woman.
Urinary Disorders, Calculi.
Each Gram of Kwath Granules Contians water extracts derived form kwath draya in following proportion:
Varun, Crataeva nurvula, 1000mg
Shunthi, Zingiber officinalis, 1000mg
Gokshur, Tribulus Terrestris, 1000mg
Pashanbheda, Saxifagra ligulata, 1000mg
Lactose and Excepients, Q.S
Method of use:
Take sufficient Quantity of warm water (approx ½ cup) and add the contents of one pouch in it. Stir properly till completely dissolves and consume. Normal water may also be used but warm water is preferable for better absorbtion. Though it is recommended to consume the Kwath granules with water, one can take the contents of pouch directly and drink water over it.