Dr Balaji Tambe, Santulan San Pitta Syrup
Pack size: 200 ml
An Ayurvedic herbal syrup to balance Pitta dosha Contains herbs like. Gorakhchinch and Daruhalad, which are known for strengthening the liver and stabilizing the metabolism. Indicated in liver and metabolic disorders, lack of appetite and nausea.
Pitta syrup Indications:
Liver Disorder
Metabolic Disorder
Lack of Appetite
Santulan san pitta syrup Compositions:
Each 5 ml contain
Dct. Of Gorakshi (Adansonia Digitata), 180mg
Bhrungaraj (Eclipta Erecta), 180mg
Manjishtha (Rubia Cordifolia), 30mg
Vidang (Embelia Ribes), 15mg
Daruharidra (Berberis Aristata), 15mg
Sharkara Syrup Base, Q.S
Pernitted Class II Preservatives, Q.S
As directed by the physician.