Mahayogaraj Guggulu is a very effective rejuvenator which alleviates all the three doshas. It is indicated in Vataja disorders and Menstrual disorders. It also effectively treats Vitiated semen. It is also indicated in Epilepsy (Apasmara) and Gulma.
Mahayogaraj guggulu Indication :
Abdominal lump
Condition in which there is upward movement of vayu
Diseasses due to Vata dosha
Disease of the skin
Malabsorption Syndrome
Pain in umbilical region
Stiffness and tightness in chest
Impaired digestive fire
Urinary disorder
Vitiation of semen
Rat Poisoning
Eye disorder
Disease of the abdomen
Mahayogaraj guggulu Composition :
Each 250 mg tablet contains :
Nagara 01.06 mg
Pippali 01.06 mg
Cavya 01.06 mg
Pippali mula 01.06 mg
Chitraka 01.06 mg
Bhrista hingu 01.06 mg
Ajamoda 01.06 mg
Sarshapa 01.06 mg
Sweta Jeeraka 01.06 mg
Krishnasna Jeeraka 01.06 mg
Renuka 01.06 mg
Indrayava 01.06 mg
Patha 01.06 mg
Vidanga 01.06 mg
Gaja pippali 01.06 mg
Katuki 01.06 mg
Ativisa 01.06 mg
Bharangi 01.06 mg
Vacha 01.06 mg
Murva 01.06 mg
Haritaki 14.37
Vibhitaka 14.37
Amlaki 14.37
Sodhita Guggulu 64.62 mg
Vanga Bhasma 17.25 mg
Raupya Bhasma 17.25 mg
Naga Bhasma 17.25 mg
Lauha Bhasma 17.25 mg
Abhraka Bhasma 17.25 mg
Mandura Bhasma 17.25 mg
Rasa sindhoora 17.25 mg
Potassium Sorbate 0.60 mg
Sodium Benzoate 0.30 mg
Excipients Q.S.
Dosage :
As prescribed by the Physician.